Thursday, December 22, 2005

Prince in both meanings in various (western tradition) languages

Prince in both meanings in various (western tradition) languages
In each case, the title is followed (when available) by the female form and then (not always available, and obviously rarely applicable to a prince of the blood without a principality) the name of the territorial associated with it, each separated by a slash. If a second title (or set) is also given, then that one is for a Prince of the blood, the first for a principality. Be aware that the absence of a separate title for a prince of the blood may not always mean no such title exists; alternatively, the existence of a word does not imply there is also a reality in the linguistic territory concerned; it may very well be used exclusively to render titles in other languages, regardless whether there is a historical link with any (which often means that linguistic tradition is adopted)
Etymologically, we can discern the following traditions (some languages followed a historical link, e.g. within the Holy Roman Empire, not their linguistic family; some even fail to follow the same logic for certain other aristocratic titles):
Languages (mostly Romance) only using the Latin root princeps: English%9Prince /Princess%9Prince /Princess French%9Prince /Princesse%9Prince /Princesse Albanian%9Princ /Princeshë%9Princ /Princeshë Catalan%9Príncep /Princesa%9Príncep /Princesa Irish%9Prionsa /Banphrionsa%9Prionsa /Banphrionsa Italian%9Principe /Principessa%9Principe /Principessa Maltese%9%9Princep /Principessa%9Princep /Principessa Monegasque%9%9Principu /Principessa%9Principu /Principessa Portuguese%9%9Príncipe /Princesa%9Príncipe /Princesa Rhaeto-Romanic%9Prinzi /Prinzessa%9Prinzi /Prinzessa Romanian%9%9Principe /Principesă Principe /Principesă Spanish%9%9Príncipe /Princesa%9Príncipe /Princesa Languages (mainly Germanic) that use (generally alongside a princeps-derivate for princes of the blood) an equivalent of the German Fürst: Danish%9%9Fyrste /Fyrstinde%9Prins /Prinsesse Dutch%9%9Vorst /Vorstin%9Prins /Prinses Estonian [Finnish-Ugrian family]%9Vürst /Vürstinna%9Prints /Printsess German%9Fürst /Fürstin%9Prinz /Prinzessin Icelandic%9%9Fursti /Furstynja%9Prins /Prinsessa Luxemburgish%9[German dialect]%9Fürst /Fürstin%9Prënz /Prinzessin Norwegian%9%9Fyrste /Fyrstinne%9Prins /Prinsesse Swedish%9%9Furste /Furstinna%9Prins /Prinsessa Slavonic and (related) Baltic languages Belorussian%9Tsarevich, Karalevich, Prynts /Tsarewna, Karalewna, Pryntsesa Bulgarian%9Knyaz /Knaginya%9Tsarevich, Kralevich, Prints /Printsesa Croatian, Serbian%9Knez /Kneginja%9Kraljević, Princ /Kraljevna, Princeza Czech%9%9Kníže /Kněžna%9Králevic, Princ /Králevična, Princezna Latin (post-Roman)%9Princeps/*%9Princeps/* Latvian%9%9Firsts /Firstiene%9Princis /Princese Lithuanian%9Kunigaikštis /Kunigaikštiene%9Princas /Princese Macedonian%9%9Knez /Knezhina%9Tsarevich, Kralevich, Prints /Tsarevna, Kralevna, Printsesa Polish%9%9Książę /Księżna%9Książę, Królewicz /Księżna, Królewna Russian%9%9Knyaz /Knyagina, Knyazhnya%9Tsarevich, Korolyevich, Prints /Tsarevna, Korolyevna, Printsessa Slovak%9%9Knieža /Kňažná%9Kráľovič, Princ /Princezná Slovene%9%9Knez /Kneginja%9Kraljevič, Princ /Kraljična, Princesa Ukrainian%9%9Knyaz /Knyazhnya%9Tsarenko, Korolenko, Prints /Tsarivna, Korolivna, Printsizna other (incl. Finnish-Ugrian .. ) languages : Finnish%9%9Ruhtinas /Ruhtinatar%9Prinssi /Prinsessa Greek (New)%9Igemonas /Igemonida%9Pringipas /Pringipesa Hungarian (Magyar)%9Herceg /Hercegnő %9Herceg /Hercegnő
Oriental and other native counterpartsOne must bear in mind that all of the above is essentialy the story of European, Christian dynasties and other nobility, also 'exported' to their colonial and other overseas territories and otherwise adopted by rather westernized societies elsewhere (e.g. Haiti).
However, the practise of applying these essentially western concepts and even terminology to other cultures, even when they don't, is common but in many respects rather dubious. The reality is that their different (historical, religious ...) backgrounds have also begot significantly different dynastic and nobiliary systems, which are poorly represented by the 'closest' western analogy.
It therefore makes sense to treat these per civilization.
Islamic traditionsArabian tradition since the caliphate - in several monarchies it remains customary to use the title Sheikh (in itself below princely rank) for all memebers of the royal family. In families (often reiging dynasties) which claim descent from the prophet Mohammed, this is expressed in either of a number of titles (supposing different exact relations): sayid, sharif; these are retained even when to remote from any line of succession to be a member of any dynasty. Malay countries In the Ottoman empire, the sovereign of imperial rank (incorrectly known in the west as (Great) sultan) was styled padishah with a host of additional titles, reflecting his claim as political successor to the various conquered states. Princes of the blood, male and female, were given the style sultan (normally reserved for Muslim rulers) & other Near East etc
Far East (Confucianist, Hindu, Buddhist, etc.)China In ancient China, the title of prince developed from being the highest title of nobility (synonymous with duke) in the Zhou Dynasty, to five grades of princes (not counting the sons and grandsons of the emperor) by the time of the fall of the Qing Dynasty.
Japan In Japan, the title of prince (kôshaku 公爵) was used as the highest title of kazoku(華族Japanese modern nobility) before the present constitution. The title kôshaku, however, is more commonly translated as duke to avoid confusion with the royal ranks in the imperial household, shinnô (親王 (literally king of the blood) female;naishinnô (内親王(literally queen(by herself) of the blood) and shinnôhi親王妃 (literally consort of king of the blood)) or ô (王 (literaly king) female;nyoô (女王(literaly queen (by herself)) and ôhi (王妃(literally consort of king)). The former is the higher title of a male member of the Imperial family and the latter is the lower.
Korea See princely states for the (often particular, mainly hindu) title on the Indian subcontinent in (former British) India (including modern Pakistan and Bangladesh) as well as Burma and Nepal ... Indochina : Cambodja, Vietnam, Laos Thailand and many other

Princes of principalities

Princes of principalities

Other princes (or the same, see below) derive their title not from their dynastic position as such (which must often be shared with brothers, etc), but from their claim to a unique title of formal princely rank, one named after a specific principality, not after the suzerain/sovereign state, even if they belong to one.
Princes as ruling MonarchsA prince or princess who is the head of state in a monarchy is a reigning prince, which had no other specific, formal (rank) title, and their domain, typically smaller than a kingdom, is called a "principality".
This can be a regular nation, even sovereign, but his protocolary ranking is below a grand duke.
Example: Prince Albert II of the principality of Monaco. In the same tradition/vein some micronation 'monarchs' establish themselves as (usually merely nominal) 'princes'.
Example: Prince Roy of Sealand The term "prince" has also been used to describe, in languages like English that lack a specific word for this concept, the head of a feudal (vassal) state of lower rank; for example, it has been used as a synonym for duke at times.
In German, such a prince is also called "Fürst" (capital obligatory in German grammar), and there are equivalents in most languages in the tradition of the Holy Roman Empire, where these abounded.
Princes tasting the throneVarious monarchies provide for different modes in which princes of the dynasty can temporarily of permanently share in the style and/or office of the Monarch, e.g. as Regent of Viceroy (though these offices must not be reserved for members of the ruling dynasty, in some traditions they are, possibly even reflected in the style of the office, e.g. prince-lieutenant in Luxemburg, repeatedly filled by the Crown prince before the grandduke's abdication), or in form of consortium imperii; some have even a practce in which the Monarch can formally abdicate in favor of his Heir, and yet retain a kingly title with executive power, e.g. Maha Upayuvaraja Sanskrit for 'Great Joint King' in Cambodia, though sometimes also conferred on powerful regents who exercised executive powers.
Titular royal princedomsOne type of prince belongs in both the genealogical royalty and the territorial princely styles. A number of nobiliary territories, carrying with them the formal style of prince, are not (or no longer) actual (political, administrative, etc. principalities, but are maintained as essentially hononary titles (though some land, income etc. may be attached to them), and are awarded traditionally (or occasionally) to princes of the blood, as an appanage.
This is done in particular for the heir to the throne (creating a de facto primogeniture), who is often awarded a particular principality in each generation, so that it becomes synonymous with the first in line for the throne, even if there is no automatic legal mechanism to do so.
Examples: UK (originally England) : Prince of Wales Netherlands : Prins van Oranje (Prince of Orange, once a real principality around the homonymous city in southern France) Spain : Principe de Asturias (Prince of the Asturias, once a separate kingdom) Some states have an analogous tradition, where they confer another princely title, such as the British 'royal duchies' (for various royal princes), and formerly the French Dauphin (again, through de facto primogeniture).
Both systems may concur, as in the kingdom Belgium, where "Prince of Liège=Luik" is one of the traditional titles for royal sons (alongside Duke of Brabant, the highest title, being handed down through primogeniture if it is not yet taken; Count of Flanders is similarly used for the next in the succession order).
Titular Princedoms below royaltyIn several countries of the European continent, e.g. in France, prince can be an aristocratic title of someone having a high rank of nobility in chief of a geographical place, but no actual princedom, an d without any necessary link to Royalty, which makes comparing it with e.g. the British system of "royal" princes difficult.
Example: Princess de Polignac (France) This can even occur in a monarchy within which an identical 'real' feudal title exists, such as Fürst in German; e.g. Prince Bismarck in the empire of reunited Germany, under the Hohenzollern dynasty.
In other cases, such titular princedoms (the same happens with other titular awardings at peerage level) is created in chief of an event, such as a treaty (e.g. minister Manuel Goday was created Principe de la Paz 'Prince of Peace' by his Spanish king for negocating the 1795 double peace treaty of Basilea, by which the revolutionary French republic made peace with Prussia and with Spain) or more confusingly in chief of the battleground (or a nearby locality) where a victory was won, even if the awarding monarch has no authority in that country outside his realm (Napoleon Bonaparte created many such titles, e.g. duc de Marengo).
RussiaIn the Russian system, knyaz (translated as "prince"), is the highest degree of nobility, and sometimes, represents a mediatization of an older native dynasty which became subject to the Russian imperial dynasty. Rurikid branches used the knyaz title also after they were succeeded by the Romanovs as the Russian imperial dynasty.


The term prince (the female form is princess), from the Latin root princeps, when used for a member of the highest aristocracy, has several fundamentally different meanings - one generic, and several types of titles.

Historical background and the two main notions of princehoodThe Latin word Princeps, kin to "primus" and "first among equals", was established as the title of the more or less informal leader of the senate some centuries BCE. Emperor Augustus established the formal position of monarch on basis of principate, not dominion. He also tasked his grandsons as summer rulers of the city when most of the government were on holiday in country or making religious rituals, and for that task, granted the title Princeps.
In Latin-based languages, Prince has two basic meanings: it could be a substantive title and a courtesy title. Substantive princes are in some cases reigning monarchs, and in some cases heads of their noble house. Courtesy princes may be members of a royal or a highly noble family, sharing their title with several relatives in similar position. Many other languages have (at least) two separate words for these two distinct meanings.
Abstract notionThe original but least common use is as a generic (descriptive, not formal) term, one originating in the application of terminology from Roman (actually Byzantine) law and classical "ideology" to the European feudal society. In this sense, it can in principle be used for any ruling (hereditary or elective) monarch, regardless of his title and protocolary rank.
Example: The early Renaissance title of Niccolò Machiavelli's book Il Principe (The Prince) refers to this meaning of prince. The following parts of this article are only concerned with the use usages as a formal nobiliary (or analogous) title.
Genealogical Princes, by birth or equivalentA Prince of the blood (in some monarchies, however, this is an actual title in its own right, of more restricted use; thus Prince du sang in the French kingdom, restricted to the royal descendents in the male line) is a male member of royalty, i.e. of a princely house, such as an imperial - or royal family. Depending on individual national tradition, this may either be restricted (often to one or two generations after the monarch, and/or the line of succession), or it may be allowed to run into very high numbers (as often applies in oriental dynasties).
Generally, when such a prince takes a (royal, imperial, etc.) throne he stops being styled a mere "Prince" when he becomes the ruling (or at least titular) monarch, King, Emperor, Grand Duke or one of many other ruler-styles, usually of higher rank, except in the case of a ruler styled "Prince" (see below) of a principality (idem: "Princess" becoming a Queen).
The female form is "princess", but this is also generally used for the spouse of any Prince (of the blood, or of a principality), and also the daughter of any monarch, though in some monarchies (by law and/or tradition) the award is explicit, not automatic. Inversely, the husband of a born princess is (or was) in many monarchies not as readily styled prince (although it certainly occasionally happened). To complicate matters, the style Royal Highness, normally accompanying the title "Prince" in a dynasty (if of royal or imperial rank, that is), can be awarded separately (as a compromise or consolation prize, in some sense). Regardless of birth rank, marriage to a prince(ss) generally means accession to the ruling house (dynasty), but often the princely style is subject to an explicit conferral (by the Monarch or a political authority with in say in the succession, e.g. certain parliaments), which me be delayed, withheld or even reversed.
In these systems, a prince can be:
The son of a monarch and in the direct line of succession. Other members of the royal family, styled a Royal Highness, and also in the order of succession (although more distant). (In constitutional monarchies the precise rules for succession are fixed by law, possibly even the constitution, but may involve parliamentary assent) The husband of a reigning queen is usually titled "prince" or prince consort. However for wives of Monarchs, the title is usually a female variation on his (the same as used in case a female can mount the throne), such as Queen or Empress; but in cultures which, contrary to Christian traditions, allow the ruler to have several wives (e.g. four in Islam) and/or official concubines, for these women (sometimes collectively referred to as harem) there are often specific rules determining their hierarchy and a variety of titles, which may distinguish between those whose offspring can be in line for the succeesion or not, or specifically who is mother to the Heir to the throne (possibly reaching another official position when he succeeds) Although the definition above is the one that is most commonly understood, there are also different systems: depending on country, epoch and translation other meanings of "Prince" are possible. Over the centuries foreign-language titles such as Italian principe, French prince, German Fürst, Russian kniaz, etc., are often rendered as "prince" in English.
Many princely styles and titles are used in various monarchies, often changing with a new dynasty, even altered during one's rule, especially in conjunction with the style of the ruler. Indeed, various princely titles are derived from the ruler's, such as (e)mirza(da), khanzada, nawabzada, sahibzada, shahzada (all using the Persian patronymic suffix -zada, "son, descendant", (maha)rajkumar from Raja, or even from a unique title, e.g. mehtarjao. However, often such style is used in a way that may surprise as not apparently logical, such as adopting a style for princes of the blood which is not pegged to the ruler's title, but rather continues an old tradition, asserts genealogical descendency from and/or claim of political succession to a more lofty monarchy, or simply is assumed 'because we can'.
In some monarchic dynasties, a very specific title is used, some official, such as Infante in Iberia. This can be a style in existence for a 'princely' -at least originally- feudal entity, possibly still nominally linked to one, Archduke in the Habsburg empire, Grand Prince (often rendered, less correctly, as Grand Duke) in tsarist Russia; see also Porphyrogenetos. On the other hand, an existing style can be used without retaining any of its intrinsic qualities, e.g. Sultan for ordinary members of the Ottoman dynasty (ruler mainly styled Padishah) Sometimes a specific title is commonly used in a region, e.g. Mian in various of the Punjabi princely Hill States (lower Himalayan region in British India) Other titles are unique to one dynasty, even tough the ruler's titel isn't, such as Moulay (French form; also Mulay in English) in the Sherifian sultanate (now kingdom ruled by a Malik) of Morocco, Some monarchies also commonly awarded somo of their princes of the blood various lofty titles, some of which were reserved for royalty, other also open to the most trusted commoners and/or the highest nobility, as in the Byzantine empire (e.g. Protosebastos reserved). For the often specific terminology concerning a probable future successor, see Crown Prince and links there.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Water -Filters:

Filters are the devices that help to remove impurities from water by means of a physical separators or chemical instruments. Filters cleanse water for irrigation, drinking water, aquariums and swimming pools. They can also be bought in the shops for domestic purpose. Two major brands are PUR and Brita. These filters take away the impure contents from the water. The presence of such impure contents may cause diseases like cancer, jaundice etc and things that taste or smell bad. The composition of filters is based solely on sieving, ion exchanges and other processes.

Types of Water Filters
UV Filters:
UV Filters have the ability of killing the majority of bacteria and viruses present in the water and one, which passes through them. Chemical pollutants will not be removed from the water with UV filters. The treatment is not efficient beyond the area of treatment, so water should be used as immediate as possible after it is treated.

Sand Filters:
Sand based water filters are generally used for more than hundred years for wastewater treatment. These filters are used on a larger scale to treat a water supply for a whole community, and they are custom made. Normally any apparatus needs a constant flow of water to work properly, and hence they cannot be used for well water treatment. Recently a Canadian scientist, David Manz developed an intermittent unit. You can buy pre-built units for domestic use, which are generally used in swimming pool pumps.

Charcoal Water Filters
These are generally from coconut husk as a filter medium. This generally takes in impurities as the water passes through. This form of filter comprises possibly 95% of those in use domestically, because they are very easy to install, they are comparatively cheaper, and filter out the dreadful contaminants, Cryptosporidium and Giardia. An average charcoal filter will last a family 6-9 months. They are also enhanced by the use of activated silver, which provides extra antibacterial power of filtering. Minerals in solution can still enrich a charcoal filter. Such Minerals improvise health.

Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

They make use of a semi-permeable membrane to filter through osmotic process. They take all the impurities out of the water, leaving it pure that is stated. Usually installed under-sink, it needs a person to come every few months to install a new membrane.


The process of separating liquids through differences in their vapor pressures is called Distillation. In the oldest method, the concentration of alcohol by the application of heat we get the fermented liquid mixture. Now this method is energy-consuming used for the production of petroleum products in chemical industry and other fields. The chemical properties of the mixture are determined by the composition of vapor during liquid mixture evaporation.

Distillation is possible only when the component having higher vapor proportion than the mixture. With other components, the given component having a higher vapor pressure and a low boiling point.